Character Shrines

Coming Soon! This will eventually (hopefully soon ^_^) be a collection of my favorite characters from anime, TV, and manga series. Go Tamahome! (Take that Raven!!! MWAHAHAHAHA)

I'd like to take this opportunity to list all of the items referred to as 'stick.'

Stick, wooden, off a tree or bush

Stick, rain: hollow with beans inside sounding like rain

Stick, walking or cane

Stick, popsicle... you all know that one

Stick in the mud... a dirty stick or conservative person

Stick-er, burr or colored adhesive paper

Stick-ler, strict or with high expectations

Stick-y, tacky or gluey

Stick figure, bad drawing

Stick, also known as a sword or axe in the SoulCaliber game

Stick, control... used to control a car or video game

Stick out... to be individual or obtrusive

Stick, or javelin (as in, "just hurl the stick and be done with it")

Stick, as in "stick him/her with the needle"

And most important of all....

Stick, the white. Also known as Josh, Reese, Hey You or Bitch, as he relays to us.

All hail.
